Turn co-workers
into high-performing teams.
The Assertive Spark Newsletter
Practical tips to coach your team into creating a workplace people thrive in.
Thriving people = thriving business.

I'm Andreea Rotaru
I help C-level executives turn co-workers into high-performing teams by demystifying emotional assertiveness
I think a world -and a workplace- that looks and feels like a playground is possible for us all. A space where we show ourselves to others as we feel, where we have the courage to make mistakes and learn together from what happens to us.
Since 2012 I've been creating and facilitating development programs for people keen on self-awareness and willing to develop authentic relationships with others, both @work and @home.
I am fascinated by the diversity of solutions that become possible when we start asking (ourselves) questions from a place of courage and trust. This is the thread that runs through all the programs I create and facilitate: to enable participants to take back their power and open up to being and building with others.
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